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Last week of Beginners yoga

So, this week is the last of my first ever beginners' yoga course! It's been attended by a small and dedicated lovely group of students.

Each week, we've looked at various types of poses- forward bends, backbends, laterals, twists, balances and inversions, and I've explained the poses step by step, before leading the beginners yoga group in an asana practice.

Almost more importantly, I've shared six different perspectives on yoga, through from Ancient India to modern day, so people can learn just a little about the history and breadth of yoga. They can then draw their own conclusions about what yoga means to them.

Next beginners yoga starts Tuesday January 9th 2024 at Parade's End Books in Ham.

I had a lovely testimonial too:

Dear George, I just wanted to write to thank you for the excellent yoga beginners’ course. It’s been perfect for me - I was nervous of starting any exercise/yoga practice after not doing anything structured for many years, and your welcoming manner and understanding of people’s different needs has made me feel very calm and able to really immerse myself in the classes. I can feel the difference it is making every week and your attention to detail (e.g. where to position the various parts of the body for a pose, how to breathe) and the explanation of why the practice is beneficial has been great. You’re obviously very knowledgable and have a wonderfully calming presence! Thank you again! Best wishes, Francesca


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